Moon in Viticulture

The Moon and Earth exert a gravitational pull on each other.

On Earth, the Moon’s gravitational pull influences oceans tides and the sap in plants.

In the 1920s, Austrian Rudolph Steiner invented biodynamic agriculture, where the land is considered a living organism and does not need artificial treatments.

Biodynamic practices include the knowledge of lunar and cosmic cycles.

This practice is ancient and is based on the influence of the moon on the water system of the plant and its sap.

The biodynamic calendar is divided in 4 stages: root, leaf, flower and fruit days.

The 4 days reflect the 4 elements: earth, water, air and fire. And the 4 activities: pruning, harvesting, racking and tasting.

As the moon waxes, sap is high in the plant and it would be damaging to prune vines, unless fully dormant.

According to the biodynamic approach, the moon's waning phase is believed to help preserve the aromas of the wine.

Fruit and flower days, are believed to enhance a wine's characteristics. Leaf days may lead to overly vegetal aromas. Root days are thought to be beneficial for wines with earthy mineral notes. The biodynamic approach suggests that the moon's position can influence the taste of wine.