Wine Pairing


Pairing Suggestions

Pinot Grigio (Italy)
Riesling (Germany)
Sauvignon Blanc (World)
Rueda (Spain)
Rosé (World)

Other Excellent Alternatives

Prosecco (Italy)
Cava (Spain)
Sekt (Germany)
Champagne (France)


Guacamole is seldom a dish by itself. It is often a part of a starter dish. Pairing with wine depends on the food served around it.

Guacamole is full of fat, so the suggested wine should give a good lemony mouth wash, like a Pinot Grigio.

Zesty whites like a Sauvignon Blanc or a Rueda work very well with salads and greens.

Riesling and its residual sugar helps to contrast the fire from the hot chilis.